GeoTiffs are raster images in TIFF format with embedded georeference information like tie points, transformation matrix, projection method and parameters, ellipsoid and datum code. Mapwel supports import of GeoTiff images (main menu > Image > Import GeoTiff Calibrated Image) and automatically calibrates them with use of the georeference info.
Current version of Mapwel software supports about 50% of all datums defined by GeoTiff specification, including the most frequently used WGS84, WGS72, NAD83 and NAD27. Mapwel supports following projection methods in GeoTiff files:
Transverse Mercator
Lambert Conic Conformal, 1 and 2 standard parallels
Oblique Mercator and Hotine Oblique Mercator
Oblique Stereographic
Albers Equal Area